


    風災後,南化水庫五天後才陸續供水,而曾文水庫正常供水更於十多天後。經詢問水利會,得知莫拉克風災期間,烏山頭水庫的水質濁度曾高達200(原來10度以下),故緊急關閉與曾文水庫間的隧道通路,濁度就未再升高。可見莫拉克風災並未造成烏山頭水庫區的大崩塌,顯見其水土保持有成。然而此次風災卻造成南化、曾文二水庫濁度飆高不能供水,淤積也超過一、二千萬立方公尺顯見南化、曾文二水庫區崩塌嚴重,水土保持及管理出狀況,其是否肇因於地方政府對於環評或不當開發取締出漏洞? 或是經濟部應再檢討擴大水源水質水量保護區範圍? 值得深思檢討。


陳椒華  2009/12/2



Study on the Health of People Living in the Vinicity of High Voltage Transmission Lines -An Example of A Community in Central Taiwan

Tzu-Chen Chang (張子見),Shu-Hua Chen (陳椒華), Chun-Liang Tu (塗鈞亮)

English KeywordNon-Ionizing RadiationExtremely Low Frequency-Electromagnetic fieldHigh Voltage Transmission LinesSubjective Symptoms

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the strength of residential indoor electromagnetic field of the high-voltage distribution lines on both sides.  The high voltage distribution lines and the distance to the area were divided into experimental and control groups. In Taichung County's Wufeng Township, the magnetic filed strength of the household living room and bed room were mearused every two minutes for 24 hours, calculating the Minimum, Maximum, Arithmetic average, Standard deviation and the weighted average living room and bedroom.  At the meantime, adopte a questionnaire survey to find out the health situation of the households.  By analysising the data and result from the survey to indect the association between the magnetic field intensity on the health status of residents.
The results show that the magnetic field strength averaged 4.46±5.67 mG within the 69 household received the mearusement, experimental group, the average magnetic field
7.93±6.87mGis higher than the average magnetic field (1.45±0.33 mG).  The result shows that the shorter distance from the high-voltage distribution lines recently, the higher magnetic field strength.
Its two groups of variables with symptoms have a very significant difference, negative correlation faxianjuyou negative correlation exists, the nearer subjective symptoms and health were on the yingxiang are greater. Post hoc comparison showed that the respondents by age, it affected the subjective symptoms, but the incidence raises to the same age comparing with the experimental group were higher.  This indicats the impact of distance for the subjective symptoms is higher than the age factor.
In addition divid the magnetic field into less than 3mG ,3-8 mG, and more than 8mG three grades, the resoult showed different magnetic field strength has significant difference to the awareness of subjective symptoms.  Thec omparsion of the effect of respondents’ subjective symptoms within the same age, magnetic field intensity higher than 3 mG has also got on higher consciousness of the impact of subjective symptoms.

研究結果顯示,共測得69戶,磁場強度平均值為4.46±5.67 mG,實驗組磁場平均值(7.93±6.87mG)明顯高於對照組磁場平均值(1.45±0.33 mG),顯示距離高壓輸配電線愈近者,其磁場強度愈高。其兩組與自覺症狀變項上有極顯著性的差異,且呈現負相關存在,顯示距離愈靠近者對自覺症狀及健康的影響也愈大。經事後比較發現,受訪者自覺症狀故受年齡影響,但就同一年齡層的罹患率來比對,實驗組皆高於對照組,顯示距離對於自覺症狀的影響高於年齡因素。
此外將磁場強度區分為小於3mG3-8 mG及大於8mG三個等級,結果顯示不同的磁場強度,對自覺性症狀有極顯著性差異,經事後比較發現,受訪者對自覺症狀影響就同一年齡層比較,磁場強度高於3 mG者對自覺性症狀的影響也愈高。